Bonfire Learning

Cherish. Share in the Joy of Learning

Go and learn the world

Enjoy good works and companies

Specialize in how WE thrive together (Bonfire Stories)

How do WE thrive together?

WE = Air, Water, Lands, Animals, Plants, Microorganisms, People, Machines, ...

Start from home

I would love to live in such a world. I need to do my parts to realize those 17 goals:

  • 2017-2027 contribute as a teacher targeting Goal 12 "Responsible Consumption and Production" by making STEAM learning relevant to students' daily lives (foods, phones, tablets, laptops, wifi, houses, schools, gyms, libraries, buses, bikes, cars, walks, ...)

  • After 2027 ... maybe getting my towel and hitching a hike around the Galaxy (or Australia) as a start?

Why working toward UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals as a Teacher?

"If we do what we good at, it will help the world"

- Donna Strickland (Noble Prize in Physics)-

Some create jobs for the homeless

Others transformed E-Waste into Art

I teach.

For years, teaching was just a hobby. Then, in 2016, the learners I worked with encouraged me to pursue teaching professionally. The learners helped me to realize that as an educator, I can build learning communities, bring in great people and resources to create environments conductive for people to gain knowledge, skills, relationships, qualifications for a healthy, happy, and thriving life.

2027 Galaxy Hitchhiking?

"Must we die? Can we live for 100,000 years more?

What would intelligent beings do if they had an eternity to develop their understanding of the universe?

What would the next 14 billion years look like?

By the time we are ready to settle even the nearest other planetary systems, we will have changed. The simple passage of so many generations will have changed us. Necessity will have changed us. We are an adaptable species.

It will not be we who reach Alpha Centaruri and the other nearby star systems on our interstellar arks. It will be a species very like us, but with more of our strengths and fewer of our weaknesses; more confident, far-seeing, capable and wise. For all our failings, despite our flaws and limitations, we humans are capable of greatness.

What new wonders, undreamt of in our time, will we have accomplished in another generation...and another? How far will our nomadic species have wandered by the end of the next century, and the next millennium?"

- Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey -

After 2027

As Learner: full-time learning and exploring (probably teach part-time only). Areas of interest include:

    • Biomedical engineering

    • Qidong

    • Physics

Why do I do all of this?

My reason for supporting UN 2030 Goals:

"Instead of regrets one day, why not work now to create the future we want?"

The prevalence and power of fear, greed, jealousy, anger, hate, and confusion are very real. However, I would rather be informed and equipped to deal with them. I choose to see them as my teachers.

Also, I decide to fuel my fire on respect, love, wisdom, bravery, honestry, humility, and truth.

I learn because I like learning.

My reasons to explore "WE Thrive?" resemble DP2 undercurrents:

  • fridging,

  • Pixar story tenets,

  • darkness,

  • personal feelings,

  • and pay it forward

I know I've never been the smartest or wisest. Also, I have weaknesses and problems. However, I keep what uncle Iroh from Avatar said in mind:

1. "If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see"

2. "You must never give into dispair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength"

3. "Many things that seem threatening in the dark become welcoming when we shine light on them"

4. "It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place it become rigid and stale"

5. "Understanding others, the other elements, the other nations, will help you become whole"

6. "There’s nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity. I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life, and why"